Any questions?

Register your interest and we will contact you.


25 June – 20 August 2020

Submit your application by 11:59PM ICT on 20 August 2020

20 August 2020

Evaluation of the applications by UNDP

1 September 2020

Announcement of the 15 EPPIC Finalists


September – November 2020

3-month incubation programme

November 2020

EPPIC Final Pitching Competition

November 2020 – August 2021

Impact acceleration for the top 4 winners


All individuals and organisations are welcome to enter the competition, including businesses, non-profit organisations, and academic and public institutions.

In order to apply, participants must abide by all of the following rules and minimum requirements:


At least one member of your team must be a citizen of an ASEAN country.


At least one member of your team must be able to communicate clearly and give presentations in English.


You do not need to be a legal entity at the time of application. If you are selected as a winner in the EPPIC Final Pitching Competition in September 2021, however, your organisation must register as a legal entity in one of the ASEAN member states in order to receive the incubation training and seed funding.

Furthermore, if your team is selected as a semi-finalist for the initial 3-month incubation period (in June 2021):


At least one senior member of your team should be available for the incubation activities delivered by EPPIC (e.g. training, coaching, mentoring, and consulting). Most of these will be delivered online, but some may also take place in person.


At least the founder or co-founder should be available in person for (1) Field visit to Mandalika or Samal Island from June to August 2021, (2) EPPIC Final Pitching in September 2021, and (3) the Demo Day at the end of the programme.

Please note that the format and dates of the training may evolve, depending on travel restrictions related to COVID-19.

Selection Criteria

Applications will be evaluated by a panel composed of experts from different disciplines (see Judges section on the website for details).

Entries will be selected based on six critical factors (viability, innovativeness, local potential, scalability, sustainability, and impact), as well as the composition of their teams.

The Solution



Criteria to demonstrate the viability of your solution in terms of its effectiveness in reducing plastic pollution. Proven success in reducing plastic pollution is desirable.



Criterion to demonstrate the innovativeness of your idea in terms of using new products, services, technologies, or other approaches to combat plastic pollution. Solutions that have been successful elsewhere, but that have not yet been applied to the EPPIC challenge sites, are welcome to apply.

Local Potential


Criteria to estimate the extent to which your solutions will effectively target the specific challenges of combatting plastic waste and pollution in one of the two project sites. The solutions should fit the local needs and address the local context.



Criteria to assess the ability of the solutions to be scaled up and be replicated in other contexts. The solutions to grow and be applied in other communities in Viet Nam, Thailand, and even across ASEAN countries will be assessed.



Criteria to assess the operational and financial sustainability of the solutions. The solution should have business plan to ensure its sustainability, including the possibility of securing investment for your solution.



Criterion to demonstrate potential social and environmental impacts of the solution, including its potential impact on local livelihoods, gender equality, and wider local community development.

The Team

Diversity & Inclusion


Criterion to assess diversity and gender inclusivity.

Complementary Skills


Criteria to assess how team members' technical and operational abilities balance each other.

Application Form

Summary description of the team (max 100 words).

Please share your story and relevant experience. How did you meet? What are the strengths within the team and how do you complement each other?

Q1. Summary description of the solution to reduce plastic pollution. (max 300 words).

Explain what your solution is (materials, design, service, governance mechanisms, campaigns, technology, other interventions etc. Please explain its distinct features and how your solution will combat plastic pollution. Please, mention the stage of development of your solution (e.g. start-up, established enterprise, etc.)

Q2. Please demonstrate the innovativeness of your idea in terms of how you adopt new products, services, technologies or other approaches to combat plastic pollution and waste. (max 200 words)

Does your solution offer a new type of service, respond to an unidentified need, introduce new technology, fill a gap in the market, etc.?

Q3. Please demonstrate the operational and financial sustainability of the solution. (max 200 words)

Explain your business model or plans. How will they be sustainable? What is your strategy? What location(s) does your company currently operate in? Did you already receive any funding or investment?

Q4. Please demonstrate the ability of your solution to be scaled up and replicated in other contexts. (max 100 words)

Is your solution replicable? How would you expand to new localities? What would you need to scale up the solution?

Q5. Please outline the viability of your solution in terms of its effectiveness in combatting plastic pollution. (max 200 words)

Have you piloted the solution, and what was the outcome? Can you demonstrate any existing results in reducing plastic pollution or evidence that your solution works? What are your product competitive advantages?

Q6. Please demonstrate how your solution will effectively target the specific challenges of combatting plastic pollution in the EPPIC project sites, Mandalika Special Economic Zone, Lombok Island – Indonesia or Samal Island – The Philippines (max 150 words)

How is your solution able to specifically address the plastic pollution in one of these localities?

Q7. Please show the potential social and environmental impacts of your solution. (max 100 words)

For example, will your solutions contribute to creating local livelihoods, empowering women, reducing inequalities or other Sustainable Development Goals?

Supporting Documents

Please submit ONE file including all the documents listed as below:

  • One page CV of team members who will participate in the incubation programme, if selected. (Maximum 3 persons)
  • Please select one of the following options:
    1. Slide deck on the solution (max 5 slides) OR
    2. Concept Note of your solution (max 2 pages)


Optional Documents

  • Optional: Applicants are encouraged to utilise creative and innovative formats for presenting their idea, including using video (max. one minute), graphics, or other formats.
  • Optional: Applicants are encouraged to submit any awards, certificates or patents received related to their solution.
Upload File

( You may upload only ONE file, to a maximum of 5.5Gb )